Our Company was launched on 1 July 1989, when it was registered in the Regional Court in Rzeszów, as P.B.M. “INSTALBUD” Sp. z o.o. with registration number RHB 575.
W dniu 3 stycznia 2005 roku dokonano podziału Przedsiębiorstwa Budownictwa Mieszkaniowego „INSTALBUD” Spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością z siedzibą w Rzeszowie w drodze przeniesienia jej majątku na dwie nowo zawiązane, odrębne spółki:
„INSTALBUD” Sp. z o.o. z siedzibą w Rzeszowie,
oraz konkurencyjną
„INSTALBUD -RZESZÓW” Sp. z o.o. z siedzibą w Rzeszowie.
From the start, the Company executed many large investment projects, in Poland and abroad (e.g., in Czech Republic, Hungary, Germany, Slovenia, Austria, Algeria and France), operating as a general contractor or a subcontractor. On average during 2008- 2010 the sales amounted to 60 million PLN.
The first investment project was located in Rzeszów - Mochnackiego “Corner”. All the apartments and suites have been sold out.
We have two new logotypes, IBG Instalbud for general contractor operations and IBG Investment for investment projects and property development operations.
In the Nowiny ranking of top businesses, named “Gold Hundred” (Złota setka) we were recognized among the top five construction companies with the highest growth dynamics.
In Forbes ranking for 2021 we were recognised among the top one hundred companies with the highest growth in the Podkarpackie Region.